Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Alternative X-Men

Throwing in my own ideas with the ever-growing number of X-Titles. It's like the original team... only not...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Fire and Water

One of my first forays into pen and tablet which will soon turn into a shirt (God willing), when I decide to get off my lazy ass...

Morning Magic

I draw this a lot when I'm just doodling and there are quite a few renditions that I'll post in the future.

Encounters with a Yeti

Had this for a while then just decided to update and post. If you haven't heard them, then go do it! Check them out at

Ray and The Opposite (Ray)

A few years ago I started writing about grumpy earthbound angel, a devil going through evil rehab and a coffee shop... then I stopped... then started up again... here's a concept sketch for Ray from, what will hopefully become a regular thing, "Ray and the Opposite".


If only cat burglars really looked like this, why would you keep your doors locked? Meow!


Being down with sore eyes has given me a lot of time to draw, think and surf. After stumbling onto my friend Carlo San Juan's site I got an itch to draw his character and send it to him. Thanks for the inspiration Caz! Check out his work at

Bean & Bug

Let's see where this takes us...